How To Get A Virtual Private Server (VPS) Started?


Businesses and individuals seeking scalable, dependable, cost-effective hosting should choose Virtual Private Server. Creating a virtual private server may seem overwhelming. This article will help you set up a VPS and emphasize its importance in web hosting.

What Is A Virtual Private Server?

VPS provides customers with their web hosting environment. VPS hosting splits a real server into numerous virtual servers and resources,  each with its operating system and storage. The worldwide virtual private market is predicted to expand by 15.3% from $2.4 million to $5.0 billion by 2023.

Why Should You Set Up A New VPS?

With an essential hosting subscription, your provider will likely install all the necessary software. It may include a hosting control panel. These hosting control panels contain all the account configuration features you need. 

Because other users use the same system, you can’t usually modify your server’s settings. VPS gives you complete control and exclusive access to a dedicated server. Your web hosting company typically installs the essential server software, leaving the rest to you. 

Thus, server preparation requires extra processes. These procedures include choosing the right time to utilize VPS, mastering server connections and instructions, installing and upgrading software, creating new user accounts, and setting up a firewall.

Steps For Setting Up A Virtual Private Server

Step 1: Choosing The Ideal Hosting Provider

The first critical step is finding a dependable VPS hosting provider. Look for providers with reasonable pricing, robust security, outstanding customer service, and a selection of plans to meet your needs. Hosting seeking lists top VPS hosting companies so you may select one for your company.

Step 2: Ssh To A Vps

Your VPS has many communication protocols. FTP allows file uploads, whereas SSH provides encrypted VPS settings. Unix-based SSH uses a command line interface. For security, it uses robust authentication and encryption. The hosting firm offers a root account and password. The root account in Unix allows rapid connection. 

Different communication protocols provide VPS access. Use FTP to upload files. To correctly set your VPS, utilize SSH. Enter your server’s IP address in the Host Name box and set the Port to 22.

Through port 22, the server will identify the username, usually “root,” and ask for your password. After entering the correct login credentials, your command-line interface (CLI) will show a welcome message.

You have successfully entered self-managed VPS.

Step 3: Update Server

To guarantee project security and functionality, update your VPS periodically. Maintain server security and updates. When you log in to your VPS and see security updates, type “apt update” and press Enter.

This guarantees your server has the latest security patches. Package upgrades are checked first by your server. After the check, run “apt upgrade” to update your server’s packages. Once all packages are updated:

Close the command line window after restarting the server with “reboot.”

Wait a few seconds before signing in using PuTTY. No further updates should be available if the update worked. CentOS and RHEL may need “yum check-update” or “dnf check-update.”

Step 4: Adding User

Root has full access to the server and can perform anything under Linux. With root access, you have complete control. However, standard user accounts have restricted access and need “sudo” to run administrative commands. 

This prevents unintentional usage of vital instructions, adding security. The “add user” command with the specified username creates a new user account. The system will need a password and other details. 

Using “usermod -aG sudo [new username]” to add the account to the “sudo” group gives it superuser access. With the correct commands, “sudo” can do administrative responsibilities. End the SSH connection and log in using the new user account to test everything.

Step 5: Ssh Key Authentication

Use stronger authentication to protect against specific threats. SSH authenticates users using a public and private key combination, making it more secure than a strong password.

Creating an SSH key on Windows is easy using PuTTYgen, which comes with PuTTY. Click “Generate” in PuTTYgen to produce a public and private key.

View the public key in the top box. Choose a passphrase to use as a password and critical pair before continuing. Keep the key on your computer by clicking Save Private Key.

Enter SSH settings, then pick “Connection,” “SSH,” and “Auth.” You may use a set of keys to log in to your account using PuTTY. When choosing your key, save the modifications by clicking “Private Key File for Authentication.”

Step 6: Setup Firewall

Installing and installing a firewall is crucial for server hosting. A firewall monitors incoming and friendly traffic to restrict data access to authorized users. Iptables is the default firewall on most Linux variants for controlling server traffic. 

Distributions may employ different firewall applications, such as Ubuntu UFW and CentOS Firewall. These tools ease iptables setup. These firewall tools have different working methods and syntax; consult the OS documentation to use them properly.


Self-managed VPSs need ongoing attention and optimization to work well. However, with dedication and assistance, VPS management is possible. Several sites may provide insights and step-by-step directions for this procedure.